Here at Albert Bartlett we know our spuds and, more importantly, we know how you should care for them and keep them lasting longer!
Below are answers to some of the questions that we get asked quite frequently. If you have any questions not addressed here, please contact us today and we’ll try our best to help.
How Should I Store My Potatoes At Home?
Potatoes bruise easily, so please handle them with care! Once you get home, follow these top storage tips:
All potatoes should be stored in a fridge for freshness.
We previously suggested that you keep most potatoes in a cool, dry and dark place, but recent research has shown that storing potatoes in the fridge can make them last up to three weeks longer, so the Food Standards Agency’s advice has been revised.
We are in the process of updating the wording on all of our packaging.
- Avoid high temperatures, such as below sinks or next to appliances.
- If potatoes begin to sprout, you can still cook them. Just remove the eyes or sprouts and cook as normal.
- If your potatoes have gone green, unfortunately then they should not be eaten.
Can I Freeze Potatoes?

The simple answer is, Yes!
From fresh, you need to blanch your potatoes before freezing. Boil them whole for 4 or 5 minutes, then let them cool. If the potatoes have been fully cooked, you can also freeze any leftovers, though the texture of home made mashed potato may be altered by the process and the mash can become more watery after defrosting. We’d recommend popping the potatoes in an airtight container or sealed plastic bag once they’ve cooled.
It’s also a good idea to pre-portion potatoes before putting them in the freezer, so that you only need defrost enough for 1 meal at a time. Obviously, you need to finish cooking them when they are defrosted!
Are Wonky Shaped Potatoes Safe To Eat?
Around 100-200 days of care go into cultivating our delicious Albert Bartlett Potatoes. Natural products will vary in size and shape – but they are still fine to eat. Simply cut off any shoots or eyes before cooking.
If your potato skin has blemishes or uneven bits, just peel those off and the potato is fine to eat.
Why Do Potatoes Go Green?
Potatoes can occasionally turn green. This happens when they have been exposed to too much light, causing a chemical reaction in the potato. It produces chlorophyll, which gives the green colour and is harmless, but it also produces solanine, which can give you an upset stomach, so do not eat a potato which is partially or wholly green. That is why potatoes in the field need the soil to be banked up around them and why they are best stored in a cool and dark place when you get them home.
How Can I Avoid Wasting My Potatoes?
Potatoes are a great versatile vegetable and can be used in lots of dishes. You can even use up leftover mash, roasties & baked potatoes from the previous day in various recipes to save anything going to waste. We have a whole range of zero waste recipes on our website, click here to get inspired.

Did you know?
30% of global greenhouse gases come from producing our food, more than all commercial flights combined. 710,000 tonnes of potatoes are thrown away at home every year, including the weight of peelings. If we stopped this, it could do the same for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as planting 5.4 million trees.
Albert Bartlett is continually working with its growers, government bodies and scientists to improve yields and reduce waste on the farm. An example of this is assisting Cranfield University PhD student Marta Sanzo-Miro with her research into reducing a potato blemish disease called black dot. You can find out more about her work here.